Socialism is much more moral than capitalism, right?

I used to think that also, until I started medical school and saw our socialism more closely.

Free markets allow people to choose whether to purchase goods or services, in exchange for money they have earned by supplying goods and services to others.  Socialism has money forcibly confiscated from people in order to pay for other people.

A free market is a true pro-choice system.  All individuals who are involved in a transaction get to choose what they are willing to transact, at what price, and under what conditions.  Those most closely affected can make informed choices based on their knowledge of the immediate situation, without coercion by distant governmental forces.  People are rewarded for work, and are motivated by the prospect of success.

Socialism denies all choice; it is pro-force.  If the government leaders decide that people should support some cause, then they confiscate money from the people to support that cause, of course keeping a cut for themselves.  If someone does not want to support some governmental cause, and withholds his money, then ultimately, men with guns will be sent to enforce compliance.  If he resists them, he will be imprisoned;  if he resists strongly enough, he will be shot.  George Washington taught, “Government is not reason;  it is not eloquence;  it is force.  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

With free markets, if a person wants to obtain the service of another, he has to pay for that service.  The way that he is able to pay, is by serving yet other people, and being paid for it.  On the other hand, under socialism, someone can receive service while doing nothing to help others.  He just has to take the money that other people are forced to cough up.  Which sounds more moral to you?